From the series: Sewing Books

SEW ... the Garment-Making Book of Knowledge


Experienced sewing instructor and blogger Barbara Emodi shares her sewing wisdom to help readers get started, get started back up, or hone their existing garment-sewing skills. Not a sewing reference book as much as a book of experience, this is a book that will make a novice sewist say, “Oh, so that’s why you do that,” make a practiced sewist think, “Now that’s a neat trick,” and make a very experienced sewist smile and say, “That is sooo true!” Take advantage of her thoughts, tips, and tricks on the benefits of sewing, the importance of fit, basic techniques, available tools, patterns, and materials, and so much more.

Praise for this book

Barbara Emodi's prose is like a smiling reminder that you got this. As a returning sewist, I read this book straight though, and then went back to the beginning and read it again. My copy has many dog-eared pages where I want to quickly find the part with a clever technique, the method for attaching collars I'd once used but had forgotten.I especially enjoyed Barbara's down to earth examples. In the section about print placement, she discusses focusing on a certain motif in a fabric which she cut and sewed into a shirt. Once she was taking photos for the book, she realized that the one motif was right side up, but the fabric had two directions, and some prominent parts were upside down. That shirt is featured in the book on print matching, because the pocket matches perfectly. The lesson is that we all look hard at the "errors" in our handiwork, but mostly they come out just fine.Reading Barbara Emodi brought the fun and joy back into sewing.